Tag: meetings

Speaking at Diabetesforum 2021

I recently was invited by the organizers to give a talk on our work at the next Diabetesforum 2021, 27-29 April. Details about pricing and registration are available here (in Norwegian): https://www.diabetes.no/for-helsepersonell/konferanser/diabetesforum2021/priser/. All talks will be in English, but all…

Open call for NCMM Associate Investigators 2020

What is NCMM? Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM) is an international biomedical research centre, with the overall objective of translating basic medical research into clinical practice. NCMM is a part of UiO’s interdiciplinary focus on life sciences. In the…

Speaking at EASD Islet Study Group (ISG) 2020

Simona has been invited by the organizers Raphaël Scharfmann, Philippe Froguel and Gérard Gradwohlto to give a plenary talk on Islet Cell Plasticity: cellular and molecular mechanisms of islet cell fate and interconversion at this year’s EASD Islet Study Group…