Speaking at Obesity and Diabetes Nordic Meeting 2020

I’ve been invited by the organizers Johan Fernø, Valeriya Lyssenko, Ola Hansson and Pernille Svalastoga to give a plenary talk on Beta Cell Fate at this year’s Obesity and Diabetes Nordic meeting: Prediabetes and Obesity – whom to treat and how? that will be held at Solstrand Hotel 26th to 28th of March in 2020. The program includes plenary talks from internationally renowned speakers, but also poster sessions for PhD candidates and postdocs to present their work.

EDIT (March 15): Due to the situation with the corona outbreak, many of the participants / speakers / sponsors of the Solstrand meeting have restrictions issued by their employers and have therefore cancelled their participation. This also applies to everyone employed at the University of Bergen or Helse-Bergen as a result of the severe restrictions that have come over the last days. Therefore this meeting is currently canceled.


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