Collaboration Paper: glucose-sensing insulin-secreting human α-cells

Cell-identity switches, in which terminally differentiated cells are converted into different cell types when stressed, represent a widespread regenerative strategy in animals, yet they are poorly documented in mammals. In mice, some glucagon-producing pancreatic α-cells and somatostatin-producing δ-cells become insulin-expressing…

Research position available

One temporary short-term position is now available! The project aims to develop and employ (i) an innovative in vivo system allowing the differentiation, monitoring, retrieval, characterization and modulation of MODY-iPSC-derived β-cells; (ii) methods for characterizing the cellular processes and molecular…


We have the pleasure of hosting Dr. Natalia Soshnikova from the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz, Germany. She will talk about the molecular mechanisms of intestinal stem cell specification during development on 18th of January 2018 at BUS1 Pankreas…

Collaboration Paper: Converting Adult Pancreatic Islet α Cells into β Cells by Dnmt1-Arx

Chakravarthy et al. dissect the mechanisms maintaining α cell identity and reveal that simultaneous inactivation of the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1 and the transcription factor Arx in adult mice drives the conversion of α- to β-like cells. In human T1D islets, glucagon+ cells lose DNMT1 and ARX expression and express β cell markers.

Review: Stress-induced adaptive islet cell identity changes

Here, we discuss the latest findings on pancreas and islet cell plasticity upon physiological, pathological and experimental conditions of stress. Understanding the mechanisms involved in cell reprogramming will allow the development of new strategies for the treatment of diabetes, by exploiting the intrinsic regeneration capacity of the pancreas.

Interview on UiB website

If you want to read about our research featured in an article published on the News of University of Bergen, please click on the following link: Studying single-gene disorders to cure diabetes    

FRIPRO Young Talent Research Project

The Norwegian Research Council announced on 7th of December the new list of awardees. We got new funding from FRIPRO for another independent Young Research Talent project: “Characterizing and modulating the insulin-producing beta-cell fate in monogenic diabetes by using novel…