Welcome Kaykobad!

Md Kaykobad Hossain
, currently student at Master in Biomedical Sciences started one year internship in our lab from January 2022. He will work with Luiza and Thomas to be trained in cellular and molecular biology techniques, including genotyping (PCR), immunofluorescence,…

Collaboration Paper: Spatial Environment Affects HNF4A Mutation-Specific Proteome Signatures and Cellular Morphology in hiPSC-Derived β-Like Cells

For the past five years, our collaborator Helge Ræder and us showed that human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) provide an excellent tool for disease modelling. However, in vitro differentiation is highly sensitive to culture conditions. By re-creating a spatial…

Editor for Acta Physiologica

It is my great pleasure to announce that I was invited to act as editor for Acta Physiologica, on Metabolism and Nutritional Physiology. More details here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/17481716/homepage/editorialboard.html   Acta Physiologica is the official journal of the Federation of European Physiological…

Welcome Shayla!

Shayla Sharmine has joined our research group as a new PhD candidate. Welcome, Shayla! Shayla completed her Bachelor studies at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, in Bangladesh and her Master studies at University of Bergen. Her Master project was…

Welcome Lucas!

Lucas Unger has joined our research group as a new PhD candidate. Welcome, Lucas! Lucas completed his Bachelor studies at Heidelberg University, and his Master studies at Technical University Darmstadt. He has practical experience in advanced cellular and molecular biology…

Speaking at BBB Seminars

I will give talk about our recent work including some recent unpublished data at BBB Seminars Series on the coming Thursday, 11th of November 2021. More details here: https://www.uib.no/en/biomedisin/149148/bbb-seminar-simona-chera  

Happy Halloween!

Thanks all for joining us for a night full of terrors!   Joint @mvaudel and @chera_lab Halloween Party 2021!   Some lab members missed the fun this year (sorry Andreas!), but family members happily stepped in as proud replacements.

Welcome Ulrik and Amanda!

Ulrik Larsen and Amanda Friestad, currently Master students at Master in Biomedical Sciences will begin an internship in our lab from October 2021. They will work with Thomas and Andreas to be trained in cellular and molecular biology techniques, including…