Our latest work on iPSC-derived human pancreatic progenitors differentiation is now out for Early View:
- The main goal of this study was to assess the effects of elevated glucose concentrations exposure during the last stages of guided in vitro differentiation of hiPSC-derived endocrine pancreatic progenitors.
- We used global proteomics to map the proteome landscape changes of differentiating pancreas progenitors in response to increased glucose concentrations in vitro.
- We show that elevated exogenous glucose levels mobilize different metabolic and developmental responses according to concentration.
- By performing a comparative pathway analysis on glucose-, oxidant- and antioxidant-treated samples, we show that these effects are only partially relayed by changes in the redox balance and energy metabolism.
- To determine the contribution of a potential redox imbalance to the observed elevated glucose-induced effects, we treated the differentiating cells with H2O2, a known exogenous oxidative stress inducer, and analyzed their regulatory landscape using global TMT-plex proteomics.
We observed a clear difference between H2O2 treatment and the control (20 mM), with the peroxide-treated samples exhibiting a strong nuclear pattern on NRF2 (activated), while the control condition displayed a clearly cytoplasmic NRF2 staining. This result suggests that the H2O2-treated samples are compensating for the shift in redox balance by activating the antioxidant mechanisms
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Authors: Ghila L, Legøy TA, Mathisen AF, Abadpour S, Paulo JA, Scholz H, Ræder H, Chera S.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021; 22(7):3698.
DOI information: 10.3390/ijms22073698
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