Tag: Thomas Legøy

Journal Club: Bisphenol S exposure promotes stemness of triple-negative breast cancer cells via regulating Gli1-mediated Sonic hedgehog pathway

by Thomas Aga Legøy Bisphenol S (BPS) is extensively utilized in various commercial and manufacturing products, including cleaning detergents, plating solvents, phenolic resins, and thermal paper. Previous studies have demonstrated that BPS is closely associated with acute cytotoxicity, neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity,…

Thomas Aga Legøy

ORCID: 0000-0001-7619-6220 Scopus: 57200084387 Google Scholar: Legøy Research Gate: Legøy SCIENTIFIC CAREER Since 2022 Postdoctoral Fellow at Center for Diabetes Research, Department of Clinical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen, Norway 2021 – 2022 Researcher – Center for Diabetes…

PhD thesis defense under lock down

While, the University of Bergen is opening slowly, but surely, the thesis defenses are still on-line events. Thomas, my young Padawan, had his trial under fire on 26th of May 2020 with about 40 people attending this event. Technology-wise everything…

PhD thesis defense: Thomas Aga Legøy

A new experience for all of us: Thomas will defend his work in a digital event on 26th of May 2020. Trial lecture: Tuesday 26 May 2020, kl.1015 Title: “Pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes” Public defense: Tuesday 26 May 2020,…