Category: Research funding

PhD fellowship for Kaykobad Hossain

Congratulations to Kayko,  who has received a most-wanted PhD fellowship from the Faculty of Medicine, UiB. #PhDlife Kayko will start his project next month working on the molecular mechanisms driving regeneration and tumorigenesis in the urotheium aiming at identifying a…

Grant award: NNF Ascending Investigator Grant

We are very happy and grateful to the Novo Nordic Foundation @novonordiskfond that will continue to support our research for the next 5 years! We are delighted to continue our work on the role of somatostatin-producing delta-cells in monogenic diabetes.…

Grant award: Diabetesforbundet forskningsfond

We are very happy and grateful to the Diabetesforbundet forskningsfond @diabetes_no for financing our research! Congratulation, Thomas, for your first grant award! Our research group received funding from Diabetesforbundet forskningsfond the for 2 projects: The effect of human level chemical…