A detailed study into alpha-cells transcriptional changes upon massive ablation of beta-cells carried out in collaboration with Dr. Santiago Rodríguez-Seguí and Prof. Pedro Herrera groups was published today, and we show that: α-cells undergo stage-specific transcriptional changes 5- and 15-days…
Author: admin
Speaking at COLLOQUES DU JEUDI – MAI 2021
Research Paper: glucose effects on human pancreatic progenitor differentiation
Grant award: NNF Ascending Investigator Grant
Book Chapter: A Method for Encapsulation and Transplantation into Diabetic Mice of hiPSC-Derived Pancreatic Progenitors
Pancreatic islet endocrine cells generated from patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells represent a great strategy for both disease modeling and regenerative medicine. Nevertheless, these cells inherently miss the effects of the intricate network of systemic signals characterizing the living organisms.…
Grant award: Diabetesforbundet forskningsfond
Speaking at Diabetesforum 2021
I recently was invited by the organizers to give a talk on our work at the next Diabetesforum 2021, 27-29 April. Details about pricing and registration are available here (in Norwegian): https://www.diabetes.no/for-helsepersonell/konferanser/diabetesforum2021/priser/. All talks will be in English, but all…