Thomas presenting his Trial Lecture
While, the University of Bergen is opening slowly, but surely, the thesis defenses are still on-line events. Thomas, my young Padawan, had his trial under fire on 26th of May 2020 with about 40 people attending this event.
Technology-wise everything went pretty well, as we were prepared before and we all had our cameras and microphones off. Thomas booked a room close to our lab and prepared for a long day, about 5-6 hours with some breaks.
The event was coordinated by the UiB custos: Prof. Gunnar Mellgren, while the committee was composed by first opponent: Associate Professor Valerie Schwitzgebel, University of Geneva, Switzerland; second opponent: Senior Scientist Dr Marijana Miljkovic-Licina, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland and the third member of the committee was Professor Thomas Arnesen (Chair), from University of Bergen.

Thomas and UiB Custos: Gunnar Mellgren
After about 6 hours of presenting his data, discussing the results and responding to the committee challenges, Thomas was awarded with the title of PhD.
Officially, his #phdlife was over, so we could officiate our small ceremony of hanging a picture on our corridor, next to the other PhDs of our department. Unfortunately, the official photograph will be done when things will get to normal, but a printed version was good enough for the day.
Our lab members, some colleagues and collaborators (about 10 people) respecting the social distancing rule witnessed this event and shared a piece of cake afterwards.

the view from the seminar room