Tag: mentoring

Master Exams: Fatemeh, Ann Charlotte and Natalie

Wishing good luck for Fatemeh, Ann Charlotte and Natalie which will defend their work for the following Master Theses. Congratulations for really great work and presentations! Fatemeh Sadat Heidari Rahmatabadi Grade A Thesis Title: “Using SC-islet and murine models to…

PhD thesis defense under lock down

While, the University of Bergen is opening slowly, but surely, the thesis defenses are still on-line events. Thomas, my young Padawan, had his trial under fire on 26th of May 2020 with about 40 people attending this event. Technology-wise everything…

PhD thesis defense: Thomas Aga Legøy

A new experience for all of us: Thomas will defend his work in a digital event on 26th of May 2020. Trial lecture: Tuesday 26 May 2020, kl.1015 Title: “Pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes” Public defense: Tuesday 26 May 2020,…

Congratulations, Andreas!

For a fantastic presentation today and a perfect exam! Good job! Master Thesis Title: “Mapping β-cell senescence and proliferation quiescence in wild-type and diabetic mice” External examiner: Marijana Licina Internal examiner: Karl Johan Tronstad Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Simona Chera, Dr.…

Congratulations, Heidrun!

For courageously defending your PhD thesis today! PhD Thesis Title: “In vitro modulation of pancreatic islet cell fate characterized by mass spectrometry-based proteomics” st opponent: Professor, Per-Ola Carlsson, Uppsala University, Sweden nd opponent: Dr. rer. nat. Natalia Soshnikova, Institute of Molecular Biology…