Note: lab members presentations are listed on individual pages from TEAM section!
Upcoming Talks & Conferences:
- c-myc Single Cell Satellite Seminar, Solstrand 12 May 2025
In the past years, we were invited to give talks related to our work on cellular and molecular mechanisms of cell fate plasticity at:
- RegenBell 2024 symposium on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, 21-22 November 2024, Barcelona, Spain
- Inauguration: KG Jebsen Center for Myeloid Blood Cancer, Bergen, Norway 2024 September 11-12
- Nordic Developmental Biology Societies & Michael Sars Symposium Joint Meeting 28-31 May 2024 Bergen, Norway
- 4th International Symposium on the Advances on Regenerative Medicine “The Medicine and Technological Singularity” 14-15 September 2023; Rome, Italy (SC, LG)
- 5th International Conference on Stem Cells 1-6 October 2023 Heraklion, Crete, Greece (SC, LG, TAL)
- EASD Annual Meeting 2023, 2-6 October 2023 Hamburg, Germany (AFM; LU; SS)
- Diabetesforum 2023, 25.-27. April 2023 Oslo, Norway (SC; LG; SS). Simona’s title: “The beta cell in ageing”
- 1st International Symposium on Advances in Tissue Preservation and Regeneration, in Bratislava, Slovakia 2022 November 11-13. Simona’s Title: “Investigating islet cell plasticity dynamics by exploiting monogenic diabetes contexts”
- Cellular plasticity in homeostasis and disease Workshop in Baeza, Spain 2022 November 7-9. Simona’s Title: “Investigating islet cell-fate dynamic during in vitro differentiation”
- EMBO Workshop The molecular and cellular basis of regeneration and tissue repair, Barcelona, Spain 2022 September 26-30 Title: “And some that die deserve life: in vivo mechanisms regulating cell identity during beta-cell decay and regeneration”
- Inauguration: Mohn Research Center for Diabetes Precision Medicine, Bergen, Norway 2022 August 25 Title: “Using mouse models to study mechanisms of diabetes”
- 8th International Caparica Conference on Analytical Proteomics, Caparica, Portugal 18th – 21st July 2022 2 talks: Simona’s Title: “Using patient-derived iPSC multi-omics to demultiplex pancreatic islet cell fate confinement”; Luiza’s Title: Chronically Elevated Exogenous Glucose Elicits Antipodal Effects on the Proteome Signature of Differentiating Human iPSC-Derived Pancreatic Progenitors
- European Islet Study Group Workshop (EISG), Strasbourg, France 2022 June 13-15th 3 posters and 1 talk; Simona’s Title: “Regeneration, Rhythms, Regulators”
- Sars Symposium 2022 Biological transitions: from molecules to evolution, Bergen, Norway 2022 June 10 Simona’s Title: “Mammalian Regeneration Rhythms”
- NCMM Tuesday Seminar 2022 April 5 (virtual) Simona’s Title: “Mapping Master Regulators of Regeneration Rhythms”
- Diabesity Nordic, Solstrand, Norway, 2022 March 9-11 2 talks; Simona’s Title: “Beta to alpha cells and back”
- BBB Seminar Series, UiB, 2021 November 11 Simona’s Title: “Mapping cell identity shifts in the adult pancreatic islet”
- International Conference IBPC SRBC 2021, Virtual Meeting, București, România, 2021 November 4-6 (virtual) 2 talks; Simona’s Title: “Mapping Islet Cell Interconversion Phenomena”; Luiza’s Title: “Modelling Pancreatic Islet Architecture Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells”
- 4th International Aegean Stem Cell Conference, Kos, Greece 2021 September 30 – October 5 1 poster, 1 talk; Simona’s Title: “Using patient-derived iPSC to demultiplex cell fate confinement”
- NCMM Tuesday Seminar 2021 September 21 (virtual) Simona’s Title: “Islet cell identity and diabetes development”
- Colloques du Service d’endocrinologie, diabétologie, nutrition et éducation thérapeutique du patient, HUG, Genève, Switzerland 2021 May 27 (virtual) Simona’s Title: “Using patient-derived iPSC to map the mechanisms of pancreatic b-cells decay”
- NCMM Network Meeting, Oslo, Norway 2021 May 5 (virtual) Cell Fate Mechanisms Lab Presentation
- Norwegian Diabetes Forum 2021, Oslo, Norway 2021 April 27-29 (virtual) Simona’s Title: “Manipulating islet plasticity in order to cure diabetes“
- Diabetes Center Seminar Series, University of Geneva, Switzerland (2020) Simona’s Title: “Investigating islet cell-fate dynamic by exploiting monogenic diabetes contexts”
- 17th World Congress of the International Pancreas & Islet Transplant Association, Lyon, France (2019) Mentor of Young Investigator Pre-congress Symposia Stream 3, Title: “Islet endocrine cell fate”
- NCMM Retreat, Oslo, Norway (2019) Simona’s Title: “Regulating cell-differentiation potential through mechanical forces and adhesion, factors affecting islet cell differentiation from iPSC”
- Joint Lund/Bergen/FIMM Meeting on Extreme can be useful, Malmo, Sweden (2019) Title: “Xtreme islet cell plasticity”
- Joint BSDB/Nordic Meeting on Developmental Biology and Regeneration, Stockholm, Sweden – 10.2017 Title: Beta cell fate and regeneration
- The Christie Conference [Christiekonferansen 2017], Bergen, Norway – 04.2017 Title: Cell fate, ageing and decay
- Inauguration of K. G. Jebsen Center for Diabetes Research: New laboratories and new collaborations, Bergen, Norway – 03.2017 Title: : “Molecular mechanisms of beta-cell decay and regeneration”
- Nordic Molecular Medicine Network Meeting, Oslo, Norway – 02.2017 Title: Diabetes and mechanisms of cellular decay and regeneration
- 4th Annual Helmholtz-Nature Medicine Diabetes Conference, Munich, Germany 18-20/09/2016 Title: “Diabetes recovery by age-dependent islet cell-type interconversion”
- Nordic Molecular Medicine Network Meeting, Oslo, Norway– 01.2016 Panel debate: Research career development at the young group leader stage – the “make it or break it” phase
- 12th Annual Norwegian Stem Cell Network Conference, Oslo, Norway – 09.2015 Title: “Diabetes recovery by age-dependent islet cell-type interconversion”
- Applied Bioinformatics in Diabetes and Obesity, Bergen, Norway – 05.2015 Title: “Transcriptional analysis of adult β-cell regeneration”
- Bergen Stem Cell Consortium Seminar, Bergen, Norway – 03.2015 Title: “Characterizing and reversing β-cell senescence and proliferation quiescence in monogenic diabetes“
- LS2 Annual Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland – 01.2015 Title: “Age-related aspects of pancreatic β-cells regeneration“
- 10th Swiss Stem Cells Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland – 06.2014 Title: “Diabetes recovery by islet cell-type interconversion in young mice”
- Beta Cell Biology Consortium (BCBC) Investigator Retreat, Bethesda, USA – 05.2014 Title: “Diabetes recovery by islet cell-type interconversion in young mice“
- Beta cells in Health and Disease, Kocaeli, Turkey – 05.2014 Title: “Diabetes recovery by age-dependent conversion of pancreatic δ or α-cells into insulin producers”
- Insulin Club Berlin, Germany – 10.2013 Title: “Spontaneous transdifferentiation of alpha to beta cells”
- NRP63 Progress Report Meeting, Bern, Switzerland – 09.2013 Title: “Diabetes recovery by islet cell type interconversion in young mice”
- Beta Cell Biology Consortium (BCBC) Investigator Retreat, Reston, USA – 2013 Title: “Islet cell plasticity through the ages of life”
- European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Berlin, Germany – 10.2012 Title: “The influence of ageing on beta cell regeneration after near total beta cell loss”
- NRP63 Progress Report Meeting, Bern, Switzerland – 05.2012 Title: “The influence of ageing on beta cell regeneration after near total beta cell”
- NCCR Frontiers in Genetics meeting, Saas-Fe, Switzerland – 09.2010 Title: “Characterizing the age-dependent mechanisms of pancreatic beta-cell regeneration”
- (2019) “Encapsulation promotes islet-cell signature in differentiating human induced pluripotent stem cells via integrin signalling” – European Developmental Biology Congress, Alicante, Spain
- (2019) “Encapsulation promotes islet-cell signature in differentiating human induced pluripotent stem cells” – Developmental and Cell Biology of the future, Paris, France
- (2018) “Identifying the molecular mechanisms leading to age-related chronic disease onset” – The Molecular and Cellular Basis of Regeneration and Tissue Repair, Valetta, Malta
- (2018) “tools to investigate beta-cell fate” – Nordic Molecular Medicine Network Meeting, Oslo, Norway
- (2016) “Diabetes recovery by age-dependent islet cell conversion” – Diabetesforbundets Forskningskonferanse, Oslo, Norway
- (2015) “The influence of aging on beta cell regeneration after near total beta cell” – Islet Cell Plasticity in Diabetes Therapy, Copenhagen, Denmark
- (2014) “The influence of ageing on beta cell regeneration after near total beta cell” – Islet Study Group Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland
- (2014) “Diabetes recovery by islet cell-type interconversion in young mice” – 10th Swiss Stem Cell Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland
- (2014) “Diabetes recovery by islet cell-type interconversion in young mice” – BCBC Investigator Retreat, Bethesda, MD, USA
- (2013) “Diabetes recovery by islet cell type interconversion in young mice” – NRP63 Progress Report Meeting, Bern, Switzerland
- (2012) “The influence of aging on beta cell regeneration after near total beta cell” – NRP63 Progress Report Meeting, Bern, Switzerland
- (2012) – “The molecular basis of pancreas regeneration following DT-induced beta-cell ablation in adult mice” – BCBC Investigator Retreat, Chantilly, VA, USA
- (2011) – “Influence of aging on pancreatic beta-cell regeneration after extreme beta-cell loss” – BetaCell Workshop, Helsingor, Denmark
- (2011) – “Characterizing the age-dependent mechanisms of pancreatic beta-cell regeneration after extreme beta-cell loss” – SGAHE/SSAHE Annual Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland
- (2011) – “Characterizing the age-dependent mechanisms of pancreatic beta-cell regeneration after extreme beta cell loss” – BCBC Investigator Retreat, Tyson’s Corner, McLean, USA
- (2010) “Identification of the molecular mechanisms involved in pancreatic insulin-producing beta-cell regeneration.” – The EMBO Meeting, Barcelona, Spain
- (2010) “Identification of miRNAs involved in beta‐cell regeneration” – BCBC Investigator Retreat, Bethesda, MD, USA
- (2009) “Identification of miRNAs involved in beta‐cell regeneration” – 16th International Society of Developmental Biologists Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- (2007) “Immediate cell death and cell cycle re-entry drive head regeneration in hydra” – ELSO 2007, Dresden, Germany
- (2007) “Cell death dependent regeneration in hydra” – NCCR Frontiers in Genetics 5th annual meeting, Saas-Fe, Switzerland
- (2006) “How to regenerate a head: Hydra shows the way” – First Joint SFBD/ZMG Developmental Biology Meeting, Praz-sur-Arly, France
- (2006) “Cellular plasticity in regenerating hydra” – Third European Conference on Regeneration and Tissue Repair, Ascona, Switzerland
- (2006) “Cellular plasticity in regenerating hydra” – 38th Annual Meeting of the USGEB/USSBE, Geneva, Switzerland
- (2005) “Apoptosis: a driving force in hydra head regeneration”– Second Swiss Stem Cell Network Meeting (SSCN), Basel, Switzerland
- (2004) “The “nerve free” hydra as a tool for studying growth and development in the absence of neuronal and interstitial cells” – First Swiss Stem Cell Network Meeting (SSCN), Geneva, Switzerland
- (2004) “Functional analysis of the CREB pathway in the reactivation of developmental programs in hydra” – Cellular and Molecular Basis of Regeneration, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain
- (2004) „Imaging of the hydra nervous system” – Live Cell Imaging Workshop II, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
- (2003) “CREB phosphorylation is differently regulated in head- and foot-regenerating stumps during hydra regeneration” – International Workshop “Hydra and the Evolution of Signalling Pathways”, Tutzing, Germany